10 Dec Employment Investment Incentive Scheme (EIIS) 2022
Do you want a top rate income tax shelter and investment against all income for 2022?
If your retirement pension plan is on track, and you have a sufficient emergency fund and additional funds for investment, you may be interested in the Employment Investment Incentive Scheme (EIIS) for 2022. This replaced the old Business Expansion Scheme (BES). Essentially, this is an opportunity for qualifying investors to avail of one of the few remaining all-income tax reliefs currently offering up to 40% income tax relief subject to certain qualifying conditions. It also represents an opportunity to invest in indigenous Irish Companies with future growth potential.
The minimum investment may be as low as €5,000 and maximum is €250,000 in 2022. Closing date is 31st December 2022.
So, if you have investment funds available, and you do not require an income from or access to these funds for a minimum of 4-5 years, and you have an appetite and capacity for a high risk investment, contact us this week to explore how the EIIS may be suitable for you.